Friday, January 25, 2013

Staying in touch

I'm taking a break from packing. It's proving to be quite the task narrowing down my shoes.

                                 My reaction when my dad told me only to pack "about 4" pairs of shoes. 
Right now I have 15 pairs I want to bring... which is probably excessive, but four pairs is just ridiculous. Who does he think I am? His son? Please.

I'm just trying to get a little packing done before my little Going away/Valentine's Day/Birthday/St. Patrick's Day/Easter/Cinco de Mayo party that my mom is throwing me tonight as a kind of joke to celebrate all the holidays that I'm going to miss while I'm in Italy. Basically we are having a party with a cluster of miscellaneous decorations and Mexican food with birthday cake and king cake. Because, yes, I am addicted to Mexican food, and no, I don't know what I'm going to do if they don't have good Mexican in Italia. The sacrifices one has to make when going to Italia for a semester, it's kind of sad.

                                                                     Okay, it's not sad at all.

To the point of this post though if you want to contact me while I'm gone you should download either Viber or Whatsapp for free texting! You can also add me on Skype. Don't forget to follow my column I'm going to be writing for MOVE Magazine.

Okay one last gif since I just learned how to put them in my blog.

                                                          YOU GUYS I LEAVE IN TWO DAYS.

Ciao for now!

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